Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A guide to help you get around Singapore easily.

A lot of traveler experience walking their way to any spot in Singapore for the fear of hopping on a bus and missing their stop along the way.  Though walking a bit and riding the bus will help you see more and better appreciate the scenery.  Here's a bit of a guide which will help you think twice before walking your way to your next destination if its quite far for your feet to bear.

Before leaving the place where your currently staying make sure that you make use of the computers available at the lobby of your hotel or hostel.  Rucksack Inn chain of hostels has them for free and the crew on duty will surely assist and guide you (do check my previous post "Multi-awarded hostel in Singapore").  You may search for ( - ) or have their free app installed on your smartphone.

My thanks to for photo
This website will definitely make your travel a lot easier in minutes to help you through the breathtaking tourist's spots.  It definitely work like a charm and incredibly fast.  It will give you the specific and shortest travel time to your desired destination.  It will direct you to which bus to take, where to take it and where exactly to stop.  Though transportation in Singapore is very convenient, disciplined and tourist friendly, you will still need this website to guide you to your destination and back.

So take that fear out and hop on that bus and - will help you get there.

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