Monday, May 19, 2014

Which one is best for you, a desktop PC or a laptop?

Looking for a suitable computer should come first by choosing which one is best for you from these 2 categories first: a desktop PC or a laptop PC. Once you have chosen.  Automatically the specifications would be next.  It all depends on the user and where it  is going to be used.  Its either for general writing, computing and surfing the internet or on Media streaming and hardcore gaming (eg.: Kingdoms of Amalur, Diablo 3_Reaper of Souls, Skyrim, Farcry series and Castlevania: Lords of the Shadow 2).  Even if you have the right budget to buy one, you still need to go through this process to determine which one will suit you best.

I have been a computer lover since i first saw one.  My eyes were gleaming with joy and amazement when i first saw a friend working on and playing with it.  It was a desktop PC running on Windows 95 operating system, which was the latest during those years.  Since then, I've been very motivated to learn how to use one and have one for myself, which manifested when i became a high school freshman. 

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If you are a gaming enthusiasts and is looking forward on buying a computer, i would suggest a desktop PC to suit your needs. A PC that is packed with hardware specifications like:

The good thing about going for a desktop PC  than a laptop is that you can customize it entirely bit by bit if you want the ultimate performance at your fingertips and upgrade it anytime you like.  Cooling solutions should also be considered to cool your PC when it's heating up.  You can just buy fans and heatsinks or you may also consult Cooler master to provide you the coolest casing ever built ( ).

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Though laptop PC are a bit customizable nowadays, they could not support the ongoing upgrades to support each and every applications (based on my needs).  A few PC makers like Hewlett Packard (HP) now offers PC's that you can customize/personalize online and have it ship right to your doorstep. Once bought and built according to your liking, there will be no more upgrading in the future that can be done apart from RAM and harddrive.  Every little things inside are embedded especially the graphics card.  Most would go for Laptops for mobility which is the only logical feature that surpasses the desktop PC.  Gaming laptops that could play the latest high-end games but definitely couldn't withstand the heat that will surely generate while playing or even on streaming your favorite videos, especially for tropical countries like mine (Philippines) without you out of your air-conditioned room.  Battery packs and frequent charging will also become an issue to support being mobile most of the time.

Everything is said but at the end of the day its you who will decide on which PC you should go for that would sustain your needs.  Choose wisely.

Sidenotes:  The links given above are my choice of websites and manufacturers whenever i buy and compare hardware's to look for.

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