Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Freshening up your personal computer and leaving it invigorated.

Have you noticed your PC getting a bit slower every time you use it?  If you are experiencing this or is wondering why is it getting slower or what is wrong with it, then this is the possible simple solution for you.

Cleaning your computer from accumulated unwanted files stuck inside your hard drive, in your temporary internet files and others will definitely ruin the speed of your PC or laptop in due time.   Help it by following a few simple steps which will surely freshen up and re-energize it to do more task and make it perform much faster.  It's like removing toxins inside your body every now and then.
Actual photo from my pc

Using pre-installed Windows software will help you through this and if you still want to go for second options, you may download safe freewares to do the job.

Now to get us started.

First, using Windows Internet Options to do the trick:

> Go to Control Panel.
> Look for Internet Options and open it.
> Under Browsing History press delete and that's it.

Next, would be using Windows Disk defragmenter to removed unwanted file build-up. Defragging will save your PC's time to read billions of data information stored in your harddrive which are scattered and deposited all over the place randomly.  This will take a lot more time for your computer to read.  Defragging also rearranges all of your files in packets and removes gaps so that when it reads all things are in place and a hands reach so to speak, hence making everything easy to read and should improve the speed of your PC or laptop especially at start up.

To defragment your hard disk:
Actual photo from my pc

> Click the Start button. In the search box, type Disk Defragmenter and select it from the results.

> Under Current status, select the disk you want to defragment and click Analyze. Doing this will help you gather disk information and how much can be defragged. Once analyzing the disk is done, you can check the percentage of fragmentation on the disk in the results. If you'll see a number at 10% or above it, you should defrag your disk.

> If need be, Click Defragment disk.

It will take time to finish this process so when you decide to do it, if your using a laptop make sure it is properly plugged-in in an electric outlet and let your computer "chill" for a while.

Next would be deleting cache, cookies and other browsing data via your favorite browser.

> With an open browser, click Tools.
Actual photo taken from my pc
> Select Clear browsing data.

Lastly, you may also sought the help of a few trusted freewares that I'am also using to help me clean my PC thoroughly.  Do check my previous post "Helpful sites and software you can use for free".

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